From the Circular File of Junkyard John:
Anyone can watch a good movie; expound upon it's virtues and
commend performances. But what about bad movies? Do you have
what it takes to sit through feeble attempts at performing
that are so frustratingly rotten that you attempt to complete
the dialogue yourself? Probably not, but this is where Dumpsterpiece
Theatre fits in. We control the stupidity----we can change
the humor from a soft blur, or...but, I digress.
The staff of Dumpsterpiece Theatre see our
program as a format which allows you, the viewer, to enjoy
or reject a film on its' own lack of merit. Sure, we add a
lot of rude sound effects where the original filmmakers probably
couldn't afford any. And an evening rarely goes by without
our adding a few choice sequences of our own. Wouldn't you?
But the thing to remember about our show
is the fact that it is going out live, so we are attempting
to entertain ourselves along with you (so we don't all fall
asleep)! I mean, we have already seen these films at least
once or twice during the course of the week, so the thought
of watching the same piece of crap --- well, some form of
anarchy is bound to result. So that is why we show you films
--- shall I say--- of a lesser quality.
We feel vintage, low-budget filmmaking is
extra special because it simply cannot be done the same way
anymore. There is nothing more hilariously exhilarating than
watching flying saucers dangle on visible wires or rubber
monsters with zippers up their backs. They weren't trying
to be funny (like the obvious high-camp of today's sorry films)---directors
in the 1950s and '60s couldn't afford to do it over and over
again; Their films would never have been completed.
And that is the ultimate reason why we enjoy
these "Dumpsterpiece Classics"--- At least they got made.
So try and enjoy these films for what ever reasons you may
find, and perhaps you will enjoy them with a keener eye.
After all, the only truly bad film is a boring